I’m assuming you’re here either for fandoms or kinks …


fire emblem // catch all for the series, mostly tellius characters

fe13!au // the indulgent self insert AU that got carried away (and was never about fe13 anyway lol)

fe16 // sixteenth game for fire emblem, mostly hubert

zihark // yes the muse gets a tag šŸ˜›

hellsing // all incarnations of hellsing, mostly axi


gunplay // guns in a sexual context

uniformsĀ  // “generic” uniform kink

bootplay // so many boots

naziexploitation // spicy uniform kink specifically of the no-no german variety

lolisho // lolitas & shotas. to yell at me about this, here’s my inbox.

noncon // non-consensual sex; sometimes dubcon works will get thrown in here too.

tentacles // why not?

slash // gay works

femslash // lesbian works

medical // medical adjacent fetish

eroguro // gore in an erotic variety

other context

leather // self explanatory; if you need more context, see this page.

wip // messy ā€œwork in progressā€ sketches

iron crown // concept & character work of my defunct webcomic

triskellion security // concept & character work for a romance novel series. earlier incarnations of some TS characters can also be found in the iron crown tag.

not art // mostly resource and process related ask messages I wanted to save from tumblr

meme shenanigans // things Iā€™ve drawn for memes

giftart // gifts Iā€™ve drawn for friends or as a favor

zines // all in progress & finished art Iā€™ve drawn for zines

doodles // other fandoms & ideas Iā€™ve only drawn once or twice

resource // downloads, tips, and tutorials