i’ve been reading MADK the last two nights and i think you can tell. gunter/corrin, wip thumbs n’ warmups for the doujin since this loose line style’s easier on the wrist. also figured out the possession smut strip im gonna do for it :3c

crops from this sketch dump i’m really pleased with, despite fighting my jacked up wrist…. there’s a certian sort of tactile sensuality i’m wanting to portray in these drawings. all scenes from your ruin, my ruin, mostly from chapter 10

this got wayyyy out of hand for what was ostensibly a sketch cleanup but I had a lot of fun soaking in some cool tricks that yana toboso does with her linework/toning/backgrounds. love that the doujin circle and i started calling this the dong chair 😛

unclench your fists, my lover, the war is over now. (i’ve forgotten how to uncurl my fingers from the trigger.) be gentle, my lover, the war is over now. (i don’t remember what it’s like not to have gunsteel in my bones.) come home, my lover, the war is over now. (i’m back at the place …