whole lot of stuff about ‘what greater sin’ (hellsing doujin) clicked into place a weekend earlier this month, wrote up a thesis for it for the discord gang.

i think a lot of people are going to be prettttyy uncomfortable (it’s twisted!) but. isn’t that what it’s about? touching that live wire.

(it is. for me.)

WGS was originally created as an alucard/integra-centric doujinshi since it’s been one of my mainstay ships from day one.

halfway through creating WGS, i started getting into walter/integra for various reasons.

firstly, old man walter’s hot. porque no los dos.

secondly, now, before the audience starts pelting me with tomatoes and molotov cocktails, I find i like walter/integra in large part because it brings up deeply uncomfortable questions about why integra/alucard feels so delightful to ship but why walter/integra feels viscerally wrong in comparison when arguably alutegra is just as skewed in a consent and power tilt sense.

integra’s raised in a deeply fucked situation where she kills for the first time before her teens, is raised by two men who are at *best* platonically obsessed with her, and have each already killed hundreds. that’s at best. personally i’m under no delusions that they both have designs on her to various degrees.

i intentionally drew her with lolita style in mind to point harder at that.

when and where does she try to reclaim her agency (sexually, with violence, with coercion)? when does she succeed? when does she not? when is her diminutive quality an advantage?

when do all three of them find the humanity in each other? when do they bite harder at each other’s psychic wounds?